Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Keys to the game (5/8)

Keys to the game:
1.) Break their hearts! Tonight marks the first time Edwin Encarnacion enters the Roger Center wearing something other then a Blue Jays uniform. After spending 8 seasons with Toronto, it has been reported that he is excited to go back and play at his old stomping ground with his new team. I would have to assume that Toronto has a level of comfort and familiarity after so many productive years spent there. He currently holds the third place spot on the Blue Jays all-time home runs list, 6th place for RBI's, 10th for runs, and 12th for most games played. You would think the home crowd would give him a nice, welcoming reception... but it is (classless) Toronto. So you never know. Either way, he needs to come out tonight and break hearts. The stage is set; I look to him to set the tone.
2.) Attack down in the zone!!! Trevor Bauer enters tonight's game with a 2-3 record, and a 7.67 ERA (yuck!). He is coming off of a terrible start where he gave up 7 runs on 7 hits in 4 innings of work against the Tigers. From the very first inning of that game Bauer looked out of sorts. He was falling behind in the count, he has leaving balls up in the zone, and he was missing his spots. Now, the questionable strike zone was causing him a bit of frustration... but as a Major League pitcher, he has got to figure out a way to maintain his composure when things are not going his way. When Bauer is not getting himself all worked up, when he is attacking down in the zone, when he is throwing first pitch strikes... he can be pretty good. Let's hope he does that tonight.

3.) Score. More. Runs. Look, we took the KC series. That fact that we only scored 5 runs in 3 games made for some stressful baseball, but we won the series. A win is a win, and I will take it. But we will not always be so fortunate. We are going to need to break out of our offense slump, so why not break out of it tonight?  Marcus Stroman takes the mound for Toronto tonight with a 2-2 record, and a 3.89 ERA. I am interested to see how he pitches tonight because he left his last start early due to armpit tightness (first time I have heard that one!)?!?! The bigger cushion we can give Bauer, the better! Let's get to him early and score some runs!

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